Student Engagement


Participation in extracurricular activities can help students develop self-confidence, leadership and the social skills that will help them in their future lives. Being involved in campus life outside the classroom is a great way to meet new people and experience the diversity of community living. The Office of Student Engagement sponsors opportunities for students to interact with other students and staff seven days a week during the semester. There are clubs and organizations in which students can become involved. Students also have a collective voice within the college governance system through an elected Student Government Association (SGA). The purpose of SGA is to promote cooperation both within the student body and among students, faculty and administration, and to act as a channel for the expression and resolution of student concerns.

Activities on Campus

The Office of Student Engagement plans a wide range of events, including bands, DJs and comedians, speakers, pool tournaments, open mike nights, games, inter-residence hall contests, movies and trips off-campus. Much of this programming is initiated by students’ suggestions, and anyone with an idea for an activity is welcome to contact the Student Engagement Office.

Student Government

Student Government is the governing body of the Students.  The board is comprised of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Senior Class President, Junior Class President, Sophomore Class President, and Freshman Class President.

2020-2021 Officers

2019-2020 Officers

2018-2019 Officers

2017-2018 Officers

2016-2017 Officers

Candidate Election Packet

Student Government Constitution and By-Laws

Student Government Constitution 2018

Current Student Government By-Laws

For more information about Student Government, please email



Contact Us »

Student Engagement

Joan Weill Student Center Room 007
Hours: M- F, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

(518) 327-6401

Jill Susice, Coordinator of Student Engagement

Clubs & Organizations

Most academic disciplines sponsor clubs for their students, which coordinate field trips to job sites and conferences and engage in other career-related activities. Such clubs as the DECA and the Society of American Foresters are an excellent way for students to make job contacts and gain additional experience in their chosen fields.  There are many interest related clubs and organizations for students to get involved in ranging from Gaming and Anime Club to Beekeeping Club to Rugby!  All students are welcome to join clubs at any time!

At the beginning of each semester, there is a club fair for students to find out about what clubs there are and how to join!

Adirondack Mycology Club

Coming Soon!



American Fisheries Club

New Club in the process of forming! Check back for more information!


Beekeeping Club

The 冰球突破mg平台 Beekeeping Association is dedicated to educating the Paul Smith’s community about honey bees and the practice of keeping bees. We aspire to have a apiary at the 冰球突破mg平台 VIC and pair with VIC employees to hold informal educational opportunities. Eventually we would like to sell honey in the 冰球突破mg平台 VIC store and the college bookstore.

Birding Club

New Club. Information to come!

Disc Golf Club

New Club in the process of forming! Check back for more information!


Draft Horse Club

The Draft Horse Club provides volunteer-based community service and fundraisers in forms of wagon rides, sleigh rides, logging demonstrations, and educational workshops to Paul Smith’s College students and community members. We maintain a safe educational environment for the college’s horses and students through regular maintenance and care. The Club works to raise awareness of the personal, environmental and economic benefits of working with draft horses. We foster an inclusive community without biases of race, religion, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status in any of its activities or operations. ​

Draft Horse Club Constitution


FFA Club

More information to come!

First Nations Club

New Club!!!

Fish and Game Club

The goal of the 冰球突破mg平台’s Fish and Game Club is to promote the importance of sportsmanlike conduct within a learning environment. Hunting safety and ethical fishing practices will be held with the highest regard. Likewise the club will strive to bring in members with little to no experience in the field in the effort to educate them to the sports. As that 冰球突破mg平台 is a center of the environmental education, the club will also augment environmental awareness and responsibility to the community. Members with all levels of experience in hunting or fishing are wlecome!


Forestry Club

This club attracts students from all academic disciplines. It sponsors a wide range of social activities, and is involved in many projects around campus and many are involved in the woodsmen’s team.

Gaming and Anime Club

The Anime and Gaming club seeks to explore and enjoy the Gaming and Anime cultures. This club participates in video, table top, card, and board gaming, setting up numerous tournaments around campus and holding open events to all participants. They also have multiple Anime and Movie marathons that are open to the campus, and seeks to boost campus interest in such activities. Please sign up for our club’s email and attend our club meetings where we will hold demonstrations of games and be screening anime for any who are interested, while sharing the upcoming events that will be held on campus! This club is all fun and games!

Anime and Gaming Club Constitution

Intervarsity Christian Fellowship

An inter-denominational Christian fellowship that offers weekly Bible studies, church outings and opportunities to serve not only the Paul Smith’s College campus, but also the surrounding community.



Lady Bobcats Rugby Club

The club was started in the fall of 2015. It is a group of hard-working, dedicated women, who have spent months practicing and learning the sport. The team is made up of women from different backgrounds, majors, athletic abilities, and skill sets. Many of the ladies on the team had never played the sport before. They participate in spring tournaments and will be playing in the regular fall season games as well. They are constantly recruiting, so the best time to join is any. No one is ever turned away. The best way to find out if rugby is the right fit for you, is to come to a practice, meet the players and coaches, and mess around in a scrum.


Osgood Pond Club

Description Coming Soon!


Psychology Club

New this year!


Psychology club Constitution

冰球突破mg平台 Pride

冰球突破mg平台 Pride aims to create more advocates for diversity on campus and will represent the campus as social justice activists. Pride members will continue to strive for inclusivity, understanding, acceptance, and pride on Paul Smith’s College campus.



Rugby (Men’s)

Teamwork, integrity and loyalty are the foundations of this club. Our students get together to play, have a good time and promote sportsmanship and athletics at Paul Smith’s.



Ruffled Grouse Society

New Club!!! More information to come!



Society of American Foresters



Society of Ecological Restoration

New this year!


Student Engagement Board

Want to be involved in the events on campus? Then join this club!! This group is responsible for the planning and implementation of events on campus such as bands, comedians, special events and movies. This organization works in conjunction with the Student Enagement Office. All are welcome to join!

Veteran’s Club

This club provides support to the Veteran’s at 冰球突破mg平台. They also do many community service projects for the local community as well as for our military oversees.


Wildlife Society

The Wildlife Society is a student branch of the National Wildlife Society. The Wildlife Society has planned several events and activities which include providing members with peer and professional networking opportunities.



2023 Family Homecoming Weekend Information

2023 Schedule of Events

Family Homecoming Weekend 2023 Schedule

Schedule as of 9/14/23- This is A TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS.  Final Schedule will be available at check-in!

Please note: There may be some events added/changed/adjusted. Please check with the registration table for last minute changes.

Friday, September 22nd

9am-4pm…The Pack Basket open, JWSC- downstairs

9am-5pm…Visitors Interpretive Center open (VIC), Trails open from Dawn to Dusk– Entrance is approx. 1 1/2 miles from 冰球突破mg平台 on Rt. 30

12pm-10pm…Corn maze tours, Tuckers’ Farm (mention you are a 冰球突破mg平台 person for a discount! Tour the corn maze after dark– bring your own flashlight) Bonfire with S’mores after dark. Enter corn maize before 9pm. They take cash only.

3pm-6pm…Registration, Student Center Lobby

4:30pm-6pm…Dinner, Lakeside Dining Hall (Tickets can be purchased at the door, 冰球突破mg平台 students with meal plan are free)

5pm- Women’s Soccer vs. ACPHS, Soccer Field.

Annual “Who Let the Dogs Out” w/free hotdogs and Hot Dog Races

6pm- Parent’s Welcome/Reception, Desserts created by Baking Department. St. Regis. Meet with 冰球突破mg平台 Senior Cabinet.

6pm-8/9pmish…Bonfire at the horse barn, Sponsored by the Draft Horse Club.

7pm- Men’s Soccer vs. ACPHS…Soccer Field

Saturday, September 23rd

8am…Cross Country hosting a 10K and/or Half Marathon,  All are welcome to participate!  Junctions of SR 86 & 30.  The runners will head East on SR 86 to the Jones Pond Road and take this to the end, turning left onto the Rainbow Lake Road.  The 10K runners will see their finish about 2 miles beyond the Rainbow Lake Post Office.  The 1 mile markings will be visible in white paint on the highway.  The half marathon runners continue, and turn right onto the Oregon Plains Road, taking this into Bloomingdale, NY finishing at the 4-way intersection in the middle of town.

9am-11am…Breakfast, Lakeside Dining Hall, (Tickets may be purchased at door-冰球突破mg平台 students are free with their meal plan).

9am-11am…Registration, JWSC Lobby.

9am-8:30pm…Visitors Interpretive Center open (VIC), Trails open from Dawn to Dusk– Entrance is approx. 1 1/2 miles from 冰球突破mg平台 on Rt. 30

TBD (estimated 10am)…Women’s Rugby at the Brighton Field.

10am-12:30pm…Mushroom Foray at the VIC. Pre-registration is required.  Cost is $7.50-$15. to register.

10am-2pm…Pontoon Boat Rides, Meet by the dock by the Student Center

10:30am…Cookie contest judging, Student Center Lobby, Prizes will be awarded!!!

11am-1pm…Wagon Rides with the Draft Horses. Meet in front of the Student Center. Sponsored by the Draft Horse Club!

11am-1:30pm…Brunch, Lakeside Dining Hall, (Tickets may be purchased at door, 冰球突破mg平台 students with meal plan are free!).

11am-….Women’s Volleyball tournament, All day. Gym

11am-3pm…The Pack Basket bookstore open, Student Center downstairs

12pm-7pm- Bowling at Romano’s in Saranac Lake- Regular Bowling, 冰球突破mg平台 Students will be free with student id. Sponsored by Student Engagement.  There will be prizes for the top 3 bowlers that day!!

12pm-10pm…Corn Maze Tours, Tucker Farms (mention you are a 冰球突破mg平台 person for a discount!) Tour the corn maze after dark– bring your own flashlight! Bonfire with s’mores after dark. Please enter before 9pm. They take cash only.

1pm-3pm…Guided Canoe Paddle at the VIC, $15-$25. Go to to register. Pre-registration is required.

1:30pm-2:30pm…Open Forum with 冰球突破mg平台 Senior Leadership Team, JWSC Pine Room. Come meet the Senior Leadership team and ask any questions you may have.

3pm…Cornhole Tournament on the Great Lawn. Rain location will be in the JWSC Pine Room.

4pm-…Women’s Soccer vs. B&S Albany, Soccer Field

4:30pm-6pm…Dinner (tickets may be purchased at Lakeside Dining Hall or go on-your-own to town).

6pm…Casino Night, St. Regis Café

7pm-8:30pm…Jazz Concert at the VIC “The Circular Jazz Trio”, Frank M. Hutchins Lodge, VIC, FREE!!!!

7pm-10pm…Cosmic Bowling at Romanos in Saranac Lake…冰球突破mg平台 Students will be free with student id. Sponsored by Student Engagement.


Sunday, September 24th

9:00am-11am…Breakfast, Lakeside Dining Hall (tickets may be purchased at the door, 冰球突破mg平台 students with meal plan are free).

9am-5pm…Visitors Interpretive Center open (VIC) , Trails open from Dawn to Dusk– Entrance is approx. 1 1/2 miles from 冰球突破mg平台 on Rt. 30

11am-1:30pm…Brunch, Lakeside Dining Hall (tickets may be purchased at door– students with meal plan are free).

11am-3pm…Sunday- North Country Suicide Prevention Walk, 11am-3pm, Lake Placid,

12pm- Men’s Soccer vs. SUNY ESF, Soccer Field

1pm-Dusk…Corn Maze Tours, Tucker Farms.  (mention you are a 冰球突破mg平台 person for a discount!) Tour the corn maze after dark– bring your own flashlight! Bonfire with s’mores after dark. Please enter before 9pm. They take cash only.

1pm-3pm…Guided Canoe Paddle at the VIC, $15-$25. Go to to register. Pre-registration is required.



Saturday- Saranac Lake Village Farmer’s Market- 9am-1pm, Riverside Park, Saranac Lake

Saturday- Adirondack Museum

Saturday- Keys to the Castle Roller Ski Race, Mt. Van Hoevenberg, Lake Placid, Participate or cheer participants on!!!

Saturday & Sunday– Harvest Fest and Civil War Living History at the Almanzo Wilder Farm Festival, Burke, NY,

Whiteface Mountain- Check out the activities on the Mountain- Gondola rides, Veteran’s Memorial Highway, etc. go to for more information!

Experience Outdoors-, ziplines, etc. Outside Lake Placid.

The Wild Center, Tupper Lake-

Lake Placid Legacy Sites-



Letter to Parents

Dear Family Member,


Family Weekend is fast approaching and I would like to extend a personal invitation to attend on September 22nd-24, 2023. There are wonderful things happening at 冰球突破mg平台, and we are excited for you to come and find out what a day in the life of your student is all about. For many of you, this will be your first Family Weekend. This is an opportunity to visit with your student and spend time with them in their new environment. Therefore, all events and activities are optional, and you can pick and choose what you want to do! 🙂 We have lots of events planned for this exciting weekend on campus and at the VIC, but you also can take advantage of the opportunities that are happening in the area.

****Please note that the schedule is TENTATIVE. There will be a final schedule available at registration.


You may have a meal in the Lakeside Dining Hall or you may choose to have a meal at one of the restaurants in either Saranac Lake or Lake Placid (reservations are recommended).

We are also having a cookie contest!!! You may compete in the cookie contest by bringing your own cookies and we will have it judged here by the students.  Prizes will be awarded! Also, bring your recipe if you would like to share it with others!  Just drop everything off at registration. Please make sure you include your name and cell number. 

 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (518) 327-6401 or email me at We are looking forward to meeting each and every one of you!



Jill Susice


Coordinator of Student Engagement